Racy Chicken & rally Potato Salad

Racy Chicken & rally Potato Salad
1 funk fillet cut lengthwise so it’s thin slices
marinate in 2tsp lately diced garlic, swab & chilli greasepaint to your taste
1/ 2tsp crushed coriander seeds
1/ 4tsp turmeric
1/ 4tsp garam masala
1/ 2tsp tandoori greasepaint
Heat up griddle visage to veritably hot( use frypan with little oil painting if you do n’t have griddle visage) place funk onto hot griddle don’t be tempted to turn over leave it good 1 min 30seconds also turn over do same, remove place onto mincing board, slice into thin slices squeeze over bomb juice, leave away till demanded.
On serving server place subcaste of tattered lettuce, some cherry tomatoes, peppers any colour, sliced red onions dapple over lotsa salad dressing, subcaste funk on top bit further dressing speckled over.
Boil many baby potatoes till cooked through, melt some adulation in visage sprinkle over some swab chilli greasepaint, turmeric, garam masala, tandoori greasepaint, garlic grains, visage repast potatoes till golden in colour little bit crisp, subcaste over salad further dressing speckled on top.
mix together 3Tbs mustard sauce
3 Tbs garlic sauce
4 Tbs chilli sauce
3 Tbs sweet chilli sauce
pinch turmeric
big pinch chilli greasepaint
pinch garam masala
1/4 tsp tandoori greasepaint
2 tsp honey
Mix it up taste add any of the constituents if you suppose it needs it
hash lotsa coriander on top serve with garlic chuck
or focaccia slices of toast.