Quick and Easy Recipes

Brown Sugar Garlic Chicken OMG Do not Lose It!


Brown Sugar Garlic Chicken OMG Do not Lose It!
3 pounds skinless, boneless funk shanks
½ mug dark brown sugar
8 cloves of garlic, diced or splintered
tbsp Sriracha sauce
¼ mug Soy Sauce
¼ mug funk Broth
½ tsp black pepper
Preheat the roaster to 425 *
Pat the funk dry using paper apkins
Place the constituents for the sauce into a saucepan, the funk broth, the soy sauce, sriracha, dark brown sugar, black pepper and heat over medium heat until the sugar dissolves
Pour half the sauce into a baking dish and arrange the funk on top of the sauce
Pour the remaining sauce over the funk shanks
Place the dish dish into the roaster and singe for 35 to 40 twinkles
Every 10 twinkles, ladle the sauce over the top of the funk
Garnish with parsley or cilantro when the funk is done.