Extra Crispy Fried Chicken

Extra Crispy Fried Chicken


3 pounds funk, cut into pieces

2 eggs

1 mug milk

swab and pepper, to taste

1 tablespoon garlic greasepaint

1 tablespoon seasoned swab( voluntary)

1 mug each- purpose flour

2 mugs canola or peanut oil painting


wash the funk pieces with cold water and stroke dry with paper apkins.

In a shallow coliseum, beat the eggs with the milk, and stir in the swab, pepper, and garlic greasepaint. Soak the funk in the milk admixture for 5 to 10 twinkles.

Combine the flour and seasoned swab( if using) in a large zip-top plastic bag. Add the funk pieces, a many at a time, and shake to fleece fully in the flour.

Shake off any redundant and set the funk away on a rack to dry.

Pour the oil painting into a deep skillet or deep range and heat it to 350 degreesF. Add funk shanks and legs and cook for several twinkles.

Add other funk pieces being careful not to overcrowd the skillet. Continue cuisine, turning formerly, until funk pieces are golden brown and cooked through.

Drain on paper apkins and serve warm or at roomtemperature.enjoy