• Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

sugared donuts 🍩 😍


Mar 6, 2023
  • For the mass
    16 g dry incentive
    250 ml of lukewarm milk
    100 ml of lukewarm water
    120 g adulation at room temperature
    580g of flour
    3 eggs
    30g of sugar
  • To bathe the donuts
    Sugar( quantum demanded)
    ground cinnamon to taste
    In a vessel, put the milk, water and add the incentive with 1 tablespoon of sugar, and let it rest for roughly 10 twinkles( until it bubbles).
    Independently, in a coliseum and with the help of a spatula we’re going to cream the adulation and the sugar, also we add the eggs 1 by 1 to integrate veritably well, incontinently we add the incentive admixture, little by little flour and knead until it has smooth and manageable thickness, we take out and knead on the work table for about 10 to 15 twinkles.
    Let rest in a coliseum greased with oil painting for 30 twinkles, put the dough in the center and cover with a cloth so that it doubles in volume.
    piecemeal, in a coliseum we’re going to mix sugar and ground cinnamon, and reserve it.
    After the rest time we’re going to spread with the help of a rolling leg, and cut the donuts with an approximate consistence of 1 cm. We remove the centers. We’re placing them on servers sprinkled with flour, we gather the leavings and we extend them again to continue cutting further donuts.
    We let them rest and double their volume, I’ve placed places of incinerating paper on them to be suitable to handle them better when taking them to fry.
    Before the end of the resting time, we bring a dish with enough oil painting to the fire and let it heat to a medium temperature. When the donuts have doubled in size, we begin to place them one by one in the dish with hot oil painting. With the help of some tongs or with sticks, turn it over and let it cook fully( flash back if your oil painting is too hot, they will cook on the outside but they will remain raw on the inside). Remove and let the redundant fat drain. Before they cool fully, cover them with the admixture of sugar and cinnamon and let them cool fully on a line rack. With the rest of the dough that was left over I formed a small plat to take advantage of the dough

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