Quick and Easy Recipes

nanosecond sweetened Walnuts


nanosecond sweetened Walnuts

• 2 mugs walnuts

•1/2 mug granulated sugar
• 3 soupspoons light brown sugar

•1/2 mug water
• 2 soupspoons unsalted adulation

•1/4 tablespoon swab
•1/2 tablespoon cinnamon( voluntary)

Line a baking distance with diploma paper. Set away. To a largenon-stick skillet, add the walnuts, granulated sugar, brown sugar, water, and adulation.( And cinnamon, if using.)

Place over high heat and chef, stirring sometimes, until all humidity has faded and the walnuts come lustrous and start to clump together. This should take about 5 twinkles.
Stir in swab and snappily transfer nuts to set baking distance. Spread out into a single subcaste and set away to cool. formerly hard, break piecemeal and enjoy!