Recipes Tips

Millionaire Cheesecake Salad


Millionaire Cheesecake Salad

• 40 ounce can pineapple gobbets, drained

• 20 ounces maraschino cherries, cut in half
• 10 ounces mini marshmallows

• 3 mugs candied molted coconut
• 12 ounces diced pecans

• 1( 8- ounce) package cream rubbish, softened
• 1(3.4- ounce) package moment cheesecake seasoned pudding, unrehearsed

• 1 mug French vanilla creamer( liquid)

• In a medium altitudinous coliseum, using an electric mixer, scourge cream rubbish until it becomes smooth. It may bind up in the beaters, but continue as is and it’ll loosen up. Add dry pudding blend. Beat until well combined.
• With mixer running sluggishly add creamer to the cream rubbish blend. Add it about a teaspoon at a time and also mix until it becomes a smooth admixture and all of the creamer has combined into the cream rubbish. Continue until all of the creamer has been added to the cream rubbish. scourge until smooth.

• In a large coliseum, combine pineapple gobbets, maraschino cherries, mini marshmallows, candied molted coconut, and diced pecans.