
Jerk Lemon Pepper Salmon


Haul Lemon Pepper Salmon
1 or 2 pieces of Salmon( about 1 ½ lbs)
2 T Adulation
1 T Peanut or Canola Oil only
1 bomb sliced
Roasted vegetables( Sea rodeo under, ‘ Vegetables ’)
T haul Seasonings( mix)
1 T swab
1 T Black Pepper
½ T Chile Powder
¼ T Red Pepper Flakes
¼ T Paisley
2 valve Papdka
1 T Thyme
1 T Cinnamon
½ Nutmeg
½ All Spice
1 T Brown Sugar
Lemon Pepper Seasoning
1 T swab
1 T Cracked Black Pepper
1 T Lemon Zest
Fleet skillet to Mien Add adulation Peanut or Canola oil painting. wash salmon, stroke dry. Pour a mizzle of oil painting over. Season all sides with your haul and Lemon Pepper seasonings.
When butler is melted beginning to brown and visage is slightly smoking, gently add salmon Sear for 2- 3 mins. Salmon should be slightly scorched after flipping
Coming place Salmon and sliced failures in a light greased. oven safe dish. Broi on high in center rack for 8- 10 mins until cooked thru. Splash with bomb juice incontinently once removed roasted veggies
Personal Notes PRO TIP This system is called visage searing. Make sure your adulation begins to brown before addingSalmon. This will give the salmon that scorched seasoned coating.