
How to make Masterchef Croissant?


Today, delicious meals were prepared at Masterchef. The most curious subject of the audience was the Croissant recipe. So what is the best Croissant recipe? How to cook croissants? What are the ingredients needed for the croissant?


Ingredients: 500 grams of flour,


1/4 cup sugar,

1 tablespoon of melted butter,

1.5 teaspoons of salt,

1.5 virtual instant packs,

250 ml. milk

For the topping: 1 egg yolk

For the dough: 200 grams of butter


Open the middle of the flour you have taken on the counter and make a pit. Add warm milk, yeast, granulated sugar and salt to this part and mix. After mixing, wrap the dough with a cloth and let it ferment for 30 minutes. After waiting for a sufficient time, lay cling film on the counter. Take the dough on cling film and roll it into a rectangular shape with a rolling pin. Then wrap it in cling film and put it in the freezer to freeze. Take the dough that has fermented twice, on the kitchen counter that you have floured. Open it with a rolling pin. Thus, the air bubbles in the dough will go away. Put the butter you have kept in the fridge into the dough that you have rolled into a large rectangle. Fold the dough in half and roll it out again with a rolling pin. Then fold the dough into a rectangle, wrap it with cling wrap, and put it in the fridge. Wait 30 minutes. After the waiting period, lightly flour the counter and roll out the dough you took out of the refrigerator with a rolling pin. Fold it into a rectangle and wrap it in cling film. After this process, wrap it in cling film again and leave the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Take the dough you have kept in the fridge on the counter. Unfold and layout on the counter to form a long rectangle. Then cut it in half lengthwise. Stack the two pieces on top of each other and roll them over with the roller. Cut the dough into triangular pieces with a sharp knife. Roll the triangular pieces by rolling them from the wide parts. Arrange on the tray evenly. You have now prepared the croissant’s dough. Take the dough you have kept in the fridge on the counter. Unfold and layout on the counter to form a long rectangle. Then cut it in half lengthwise. Stack the two pieces on top of each other and roll them over with the roller. Cut the dough into triangular pieces with a sharp knife. Roll the triangular pieces by rolling them from the wide parts. Arrange on the tray evenly. You have now prepared the croissant’s dough. Take the dough you have kept in the fridge on the counter. Unfold and layout on the counter to form a long rectangle. Then cut it in half lengthwise. Stack the two pieces on top of each other and roll them over with the roller. Cut the dough into triangular pieces with a sharp knife. Roll the triangular pieces by rolling them from the wide parts. Arrange on the tray evenly. You have now prepared the croissant’s dough.

Brush the croissants with the beaten egg yolk before placing them in the oven. Before placing the croissants in the oven, leave them at room temperature to ferment for the last time. Then bake them in the oven heated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. The top of the currants will turn color. Now your croissants are cooked. Enjoy your meal.