


4 large zucchini thinly sliced lengthwise (I used a mandoline)
1 Tbsp olive canvas for brushing 1 fresh Tablespoon for sauteing
1 small sweet unheroic onion, finely minced
fresh garlic cloves, diced
oz fresh mushrooms, diced well
tsp dry Italian seasoning
16 ounces high quality low carb marinara sauce
ocean swab and fresh ground pepper, to taste
/ 3 mug ricotta
1 free range egg
1/4 mug lately grated Parmesan rubbish
a sprinkle or fresh parsley, finely diced
/ 2 mug tattered mozzarella rubbish
Preheat your roaster to 375 degreesf. and line a baking charger with diploma paper.
Lay out the zucchini strips on a large slice board, smoothly sprinkle with ocean swab and pepper and veritably smoothly encounter with 1 Teaspoon of canvas.
Singe strips in your preheated roaster for 10-12 twinkles, or until slightly tender and easy to roll. Allow them to cool until ready to handle.
Meanwhile, add remaining olive canvas in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add diced garlic and cook for 1 nanosecond, until ambrosial.
Add in the onions, mushrooms, Italian seasonings and cook for 4-5 twinkles.
Stir in3/4 of the marinara sauce and poach your mushroom sauce for about 4 twinkles, or until slightly reduced.
In a medium coliseum add ricotta, parmesan rubbish, the egg and a bitsy pinch of ocean swab pepper, and fresh diced parsley. Stir well to combine everything.
Use a 9 × 13 ″ dish dish or an ovenproof cast iron skillet and spread remaining marinara sauce on the bottom.
To assemble the zucchini rolls, lay out one zucchini slice on a slice board. Spread about 2 spoonfuls of the ricotta admixture over the top, also a spoonful of mushroom sauce blend.
Precisely roll up each zucchini after filling, and place in the set baking dish. Repeat with the remaining slices.
Pour any remaining mushroom marinara sauce over top.
Sprinkle with tattered mozzarella and singe for about 15-20 twinkles in your preheated roaster, or until hot and gamesome