
Eggplants with tomato pesto and parmesan rubbish


. Finished off with speckled of balsamic molasses
1eggplant, 1large onion, 3cloves of garlic, 1tsp of diced parsley, 1tbs of fresh bomb juice, 1tbs of tomato puree, 2chopped tomatoes, 1tsp of swab, pepper( each), 1/ 2tsp of dried oregano, 1tbs of grated parmesan rubbish. Slice the eggplants in medium consistence and mizzle some olive oil painting and put it under the caff
till they’re nice golden brown. hash the onions andpan-fried also also grated the garlic and add a the other constituents. On medium heat only for 5 min. also 1tbs of the sauce on top of the each eggplants and also sprinkle the parmesan rubbish and dapple the balsamic molasses.