


  • White Potatoes, 6 or 7
    -Unheroic Onion
    -Fresh Savant, a teaspoon or two bobbed, or about half of that if using dry
    -Ham, perhaps half a pound? I just used what I had leftover
  • Cheddar Rubbish, about four mugs grated. I used a blend of white and unheroic.
  • Adulation, 6 soupspoons
    -Flour,1/3 mug
    -Milk, 3 mugs
  • Salt/ Pepper
    Slice the onion into thin rings.
    Crop the savant.
    Drop the potatoes and slice them into thin slices. There’s no need to peel them unless you just ca n’t stand not to.
    Hash the ham.
    Grate the rubbish.
    In a large saucepan, melt the adulation over medium heat.
    Add the flour and stir until veritably well amalgamated and starting to cake.
    Gradationally add the milk, stirring continuously. Continue cuisine until the sauce thickens.
    Spread just a little white sauce in the bottom of a blockish baking dish. Arrange a subcaste of potatoes so that they ’re just slightly lapping.
    Arrange a many onion rings, add ham and sprinkle with savant.
    Sprinkle with a generous quantum of rubbish.
    Mizzle with white sauce and repeat another subcaste.
    Finish with a subcaste of white sauce and a little rubbish. Sprinkle with swab and coarse ground pepper.
    Singe in the lower part of the roaster, at 350, for about an hour or until the potatoes are tender. Let it sit a many twinkles before serving.
    The side of fumed broccoli made it feel a little healthier.