bestyrecipes Recipes

Chocolate Gypsy Arm!


Chocolate Gypsy Arm!

For the cupcake
120 grams of flour
120 grams of sugar
4 Eggs
2 Tablespoons of Cocoa Powder
1/2 teaspoon of Yeast Powder
For the cream cake
500 milliliters of Milk
125 grams of sugar
4 Eggs
40 grams of corn flour
Lemon Skin 2 Strips
1 branch of cinnamon
For the caramel sauce
220 grams of sugar
80 milliliters of whipping cream

1- Peel the eggs of the cake in a bowl and add the sugar. Ride with the rods until you get a thick white cream. Sift the flour, yeast and cocoa, and add them to the cream little by little with enveloping motions.

2-Spread the dough on a tray with sulfurized paper and bake 8 minutes at 180°. Pull and roll the dough to be rounded when cooled.

3-Put the cream milk together with the lemon skin and cinnamon. When it starts to boil, set aside from the fire and allow to infuse for a while before simmering. Separate the yolks from the plain. In a hunt, put the yolks together with sugar and cornmeal and beat until you get a cream.

4-Add hot milk without stopping removing. Put the cream on heat and continue to remove until it thickened and the first bubbles come out. Remove from fire, cover with ras kitchen film and let cool well in the refrigerator.

5-For the caramel, put the sugar with 50ml of water in a pan and caramelize over the slow cooker. Meanwhile, heats the cream on a hunt. Remove the caramel from the fire and carefully add the hot cream. Bring it back to boil, mix well, put sauce in a striker and let cool.

6- Unroll the cake, fill it with the pastry cream, roll it again into a round, tight roll, and let it rest for a while in the fridge