
Rich & Moist Fruit cutlet


Rich & Moist Fruit cutlet

For the fruit blend( soak overnight)
100 g dried apricots
100 g dried prunes
100 g currants
75 g golden raisins
50 g glace sweetened cherries
50 g mixed citrus peel
2 – 2 ½ mugs of rum or thin apple/ orange juice, as demanded
For the cutlet batter
Fruit blend drained( reserve soaking liquid)
200 g plain flour
2 tsp baking greasepai
1 ½ tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground allspice
1 tsp ground gusto
½ tsp ground nutmeg
175 g unsalted adulation softened at room temperature
200 g brown sugar
2 large eggs
1 tbsp golden saccharinity
1 tbsp milk
3 tbsp sweet rum or fruit juice from reserved soaking liquid
100 g walnuts diced
For growing the fruit cutlet( voluntary)
1 – 2 tbsp brandy or choice of liquor per brushing
Make and soak the fruit blend
Cut up larger dried fruit into roughly the same size as the lower fruit. Combine in a glass coliseum. Pour in enough rum( or juice) to cover all the fruit. Stir to bedew all the fruit.
Cover tightly with clingwrap or transfer to a suitable glass jar with an air-tight lid. Leave overnight to soak at room temperature, or 3 – 5 days for deeper flavour. Note Fruit mix soaked in juice will need to be placed in the bite.
When preparing to singe the fruit cutlet, drain the fruit blend, and reserve 3 tbsp of the soaking rum or juice.
Singe the fruit cutlet
Pre-heat roaster to 150 °C( 300 °F). Set the roaster rack in the centre of the roaster. Place a charger of hot water on the bottom of the roaster. Line a 9 x 5″ loaf visage with baking paper with a 2- inch protuberance, and grease.
Sift the flour, incinerating greasepaint and ground spices three times( 3x). Using a stage mixer or hand- held beater, cream adulation and sugar on medium speed until light and ethereal, about 5 mins.
Beat in the eggs, one at a time, until well incorporated. Reduce the mixer speed to downward . Fold the sifted flour admixture into the adulation admixture in three batches, until well combined.
Fold in the saccharinity, milk and sweet rum( or juice) until well combined. At this point, the batter should be smooth, thick and of invariant thickness throughout.
Incipiently, fold in the fruit blend( drained) and diced walnuts by hand. Do n’t be scarified, it’ll be veritably chunky! Make sure all the fruits and nuts are completely carpeted in batter.
Open the oven door sluggishly from the side( and not standing in front) as hot brume will escape. Singe in water bath at 150 °C( 300 °F) for 2 – 2 ½ hours, until a skewer fitted into the centre comes out clean. Cover with antipode when the top is golden to helpover-browning. When done, allow the cutlet to cool in the visage on a rack.