Tag: garlic


classic Black Forest cutlet 😋 👇


classic Black Forest cutlet 😋 👇 constituents For the cutlet 2 mugs each- purpose flour2 mugs granulated sugarmug thin cocoa greasepaintladles incinerating greasepaintladles incinerating soda pop1 tablespoon swab2 large eggs1 mug milkmug vegetable oil painting2 ladles vanilla excerpt1 mug boiling waterFor the cherry filling 4 mugs leveled cherries( fresh or mimetic)mug granulated sugar2 soupspoons cornstarchmug […]

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Recipes Tips

Herby Garlic Butter and Red Onion Christmas Wreath Potatoes


Herby Garlic Butter and Red Onion Christmas Wreath PotatoesconstituentsKG Albert Bartlett Rooster Potatoes( 2/ 3s of a bag)2 large red onionsFor The Herby Garlic Adulation80g adulation – melted60g nice olive oil painting3 large garlic cloves – dicedSmall bunch of fresh parsley – roughly diced(approx. 15g)Generous pinch of ocean swab and black pepperTo Finish( voluntary)2- 3 […]

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