Coitus IN A Visage

Coitus IN A Visage
The factors
1 mug diced pecans
3 soupspoons white sugar
Half a mug of melted adulation
1 mug flour
cream rubbish subcaste
1 8-ounce package of cream rubbish
1 mug icing sugar ( use ½ mug to reduce agreeableness)
1 mug whipped cream or cold whipped cream
vanilla pudding
1 pack vanilla pudding (5.1 oz or 144 g)
3 mugs milk ( use 2 mugs if you want a stronger pudding)
Chocolate pudding
1 pack moment chocolate pudding (5.1 oz or 144 g)
3 mugs milk ( use 2 mugs if you want a stronger pudding)
last subcaste
2 mugs whipped cream or cold whipped cream
shaved chocolate
how to make it
Preheat roaster 350 degrees F.
Scattering 9″* 13″baking dish with chef spray.
Mix all crust constituents together in a blender and press admixture into set baking dish.
Singe for 20 twinkles.
Prepare the vanilla pudding according to the instructions on the package.
Prepare the chocolate pudding according to the instructions on the package.
In the mixer add cream rubbish, pulverized sugar and a mug of whipped cream. Mix until light and ethereal.
Let the crust cool. Spreading cream rubbish blend on crust unevenly. Spreading chocolate pudding on cream rubbish, also vanilla pudding. Cover with whipped cream and sprinkle with chocolate.
Put it in the fridge for a many hours to firm up