
2 eggs( fried, climbed or coddled)

  • 3 slices of lemon bacon( rather British back bacon)
    2 bangers
    ( Cumberland or your favorite kind)
    1 tomato, half
    / 2 mug ignited sap( in Britain)
    1- 2 slices of black pudding( voluntary)
    4- 5 mushrooms sliced
    2 slices of toast or shindig chuck 1 teaspoon adulation( for frying)
    swab and pepper to taste
    Instructions link Singe In a large skillet, cook the bangers
    over medium heat until browned and completely cooked, about 8 twinkles. Remove and set away. Cook Bacon. In the same skillet, cook bacon until crisp. Remove and set away. Sauté Mushrooms. Add a little adulation to the skillet and sauté the sliced mushrooms for 4- 5 twinkles until golden brown. Season with swab and pepper. Remove and put down Cook the Tomatoes Place the cut tomatoes upside down in the skillet and cook for 3- 4 twinkles until tender and slightly brown. Set away. Fry Black Pudding If you’re using black pudding, fry the slices for 2- 3 twinkles on each side until just soft. Heat ignited sap In a small saucepan, toast the ignited sap over a mild heat until they’re warmed through. Cook the eggs fry, scramble or simmer eggs to your relish in the same visage. Season with swab and black pepper. Prepare toast or shindig chuck
    Heat the chuck
    or shindig slices in adulation until golden brown and crisp. Serve Arrange all the constituents – eggs, bangers
    , bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, black pudding, ignited sap and toast – on a large plate. Serve hot with tea or coffee. Useful tips You can change out regular bacon for lemon bacon, or use veggie bangers
    for a lighter interpretation.
    For an authentic experience, use British sap and black pudding.
    Serve with a side of HP sauce or ketchup for dipping.
    Enjoy this hearty English breakfast classic, perfect for a big weekend brunch or a traditional launch to your day! 🍳 🥓 🍞

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